Née en 1977 à Racine, Wisconsin, USA. Vit et travaille à Charlottesville, Virginie, USA. Allyson Mellberg dessine des personnages déformés quoique ludiques qui exhibent fièrement leurs anomalies sur ses dessins, peintures, sérigraphies et eaux-fortes. Elle se revendique comme une artiste éco-responsable qui utilise seulement des matériaux non-toxiques et souvent de fabrication artisanale, comme le brou de noix, la tempera à l’oeuf, et le papier. Dans ses dessins la nature reprend possession de l’Homme, dans un style “post-Louise Bourgeois/Kiki Smith pré-futuriste néo-biologique”. Inspirée également par les nouvelles de science-fiction des années 30, notamment l’oeuvre de Stanley Weinbaum, qu’elle réinterprète comme une métaphore sur la difficulté de gérer la maladie et l’anxiété chroniques. Personnellement touchée par des problèmes de maladies dans son entourage proche, Allyson explore les notions de guérison et de spiritualité, particulièrement avec l’invention de rituels personnels et de communion avec la nature, plutôt qu’une spiritualité organisée par la religion. Notamment les coquillages (comme les berniques), les oursins, les champignons ou le corail, que l’on retrouve souvent dans son travail, représentent pour l’artiste la tranquillité et la méditation. Ses personnages la capacité de se camoufler et de devenir en retour observateur de la nature. Ce sentiment mitigé, du confort d’être caché et de l’inconfort de la suffocation, se développe en parallèle de l’intérêt qu’Allyson voue également au beau par opposition au grotesque.

Allyson Mellberg est diplômée du Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design et de l’Université de Caroline du Nord à Chapel Hill (2004). Elle enseigne les arts appliqués à la James Madison University de Harrisonburg, en Virginie.

Born in 1977 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA, Allyson Mellberg lives and works in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. The artist draws distorted yet playful characters who proudly display their anomalies in her drawings, paintings, silkscreens and etchings. She claims to be an eco-responsible artist who uses only non-toxic and often homemade materials such as walnut stain, egg tempera, and paper. In her drawings, nature takes possession of Man, in a “post-Louise Bourgeois/Kiki Smith pre-futurist neo-biological” style. She is also inspired by the science fiction short stories of the 30’s, notably the work of Stanley Weinbaum, which she reinterprets as a metaphor for the difficulty of managing chronic illness and anxiety. Personally affected by illnesses in her immediate circle, Allyson explores notions of healing and spirituality, particularly with the invention of personal rituals and communion with nature, rather than a spirituality organized by religion. In particular, shells (such as barnacles), sea urchins, mushrooms or coral, which are often found in her work, represent tranquility and meditation for the artist. Her characters have the ability to camouflage themselves and in turn become observers of nature. This mixed feeling, of the comfort of being hidden and the discomfort of suffocation, develops alongside Allyson’s interest in the beautiful as opposed to the grotesque.

Allyson Mellberg is a graduate of the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2004). She teaches applied art at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.


Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Collection Antoine de Galbert, Paris, France
Sloan Art Library, Special Collections, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of Washington State, Special Collections
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI. Prints and Drawings Room
Baltimore Art Museum Library, Baltimore, MD


Art Athina, Athens – Represented by Galerie LJ
September Gallery, Kinderhook (NY) – ‘Under the Pale Moonlight’ – Group show

DDESSIN, Paris – Represented by Galerie LJ

Art on Paper, New York – Represented by Cinders Gallery

Outsider Art Fair, Paris – Represented by  Galerie LJ

Galerie LJ, Paris – ‘The Planet of Doubt’ – Solo show
Association for Visual Arts, Chattanooga – ‘Spirit moves’ – 2-person show

Drawing Now, Paris – Represented by  Galerie LJ
Kaufhaus Jandorf – ‘The Pictoplasma Portrait Gallery’ – Group show

The Wall at In : Surgo ! Berlin – ‘Dirty Fingers – Print Exhibition’ – Group show

Galerie LJ, Paris – ‘Endogenous’ – Solo show
Galerie LJ, Paris – ‘Quarante par trente’ – Group show

Galerie LJ, Paris – ‘Allyson Mellberg : The Lotus Eaters’ – Solo show

Cinders Gallery, Brooklyn (NY) – ‘An Unearthly Child’ – Solo show
Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico – ‘Draw’ – Group show
Galerie LJ, Paris – ‘Pen To Paper’ – Group show curated by Pictoplasma
Concrete Hermit, London – ‘Pen To Paper’ – Group show curated by Pictoplasma
ArtSPACE, Berlin – ‘Pen To Paper Berlin’ – Group show curated by Pictoplasma
Sawhill Gallery, Harrisonburg (VA) – ‘James Madison University Faculty Show’ – Group show

Visual Arts Center, Portsmouth (VA) – ‘Marks On Paper’ – Solo show
Cinders Gallery, Brooklyn – ‘The End Is Like The Beginning’ – Group show
Waiting Room Gallery, Tokyo – ‘Spirit Assembly’ – Group show
CAPC, Bordeaux – ‘Les Grandes Traversées, Festival d’art contemporain’ – Group show
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin – ‘Pictopia’ – Group show curated by Pictoplasma
Sawhill Gallery, James Madison University, Harrisonburg (VA) – ‘Faculty Exhibition’ – Group show

Cinders Gallery, Brooklyn – ‘Do Little’ – Solo show
Art Aqua, Miami – Represented by Cinders GallerPrinted Matter, New York – ‘New York Art Book Fair’ – Group show
Stolen Space, London – ‘Draw’ – Group show
Stencil Nation Budget Gallery, San Francisco – ‘Needles and Pens, 5th Anniversary Show’ – Group show

Cinders Gallery, Brooklyn – ‘Handplant’ – Solo show
Third Drawer Down, Victoria, Australia – ‘Paper Swords’ – Group show
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee (US) – ‘The Third Degree of Francis Bacon’ – Group show

Lump Gallery, Raleigh (US) – ‘Coral Teef’ – Solo show
UVA Off Grounds Gallery, Newcomb Hall Gallery, and Bayly Art Museum, Charlottesville (US) – ‘New Works’ – Solo show

Cinders Gallery, Brooklyn – ‘Nohomebody’ – Solo show
DCAC Gallery, Washington DC – ‘New Breed, Team Lump’ – Exposition collective
Needles and Pens, San Francisco – ‘Potato + Sweat’ – Group show
Southern Graphics Council Print Portfolio Show, Washington DC – ‘Domestic Policy’ – Group show
Old Dominion University Gallery, Norfolk (US) – ‘Row Boats Home’ – Group show

Konschthaus BEIM ENGEL, Luxembourg – ‘Deux, La Collecte Press Papier’ – Group show
En Tangsogade 4 Udstilling, Denmark – ‘Deux, La Collecte Press Papier’ – Group show
Galerie Gravura Brasileira, Sao Paolo – ‘Deux, La Collecte Press Papier’ – Group show
Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill (US) – ‘New Currents in Contemporary Art’ – MFA Thesis group show

The Rose Museum, Boston – ‘Bad Touch #5’ – Group show
Alcott Gallery, Chapel Hill (US) – ‘Engaged’ – MFA group show

Garfield Artworks Gallery, Pittsburgh – ‘Ghosts’ – Solo show
Atomix, Chicago – ‘New Works’ – Solo show

Remington-May Workshop Gallery, Racine (US) – ‘Home Sanctuaries’ – Group show
UWM Golda Meir Library, Milwaukee (US) – ‘Badwater Book Club Invitational Show’ – Group show

Beans and Barley, Milwaukee (US) – ‘Monsters’ – Solo show
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee – ‘Recent Graduate Work In Printmaking’ – Group show
Woman Made Gallery, Chicago – ‘Hermark’ – Group show


Articles & publications : 

A Nous Paris, “Allyson Mellberg : The Lotus Eater”, S. Desprez, 11/04/11
Stiletto, “Allyson Mellberg”, R. de Lucovich, mars 2011
Clark, “Allyson Mellberg”, G. Masson, mars 2011
Redux, “Allyson Mellberg”, E. Lameignère, printemps 2011
Paris Capitale, “Allyson Mellberg”, JM Dubois, mars 2011
Madame Figaro, “Le dessin, c’est now et c’est chic!”, S. de Vivies, 24/03/11

Juxtapoz, “Allyson Mellberg”, K. Farr, septembre 2010
L Denicke, P. Thaler, Pen to Paper, Pictoplasma Publishing, Berlin, 2010, p.15-23

Dark Arts, Featured Artist, Saelee Oh, Gingko Press, ISBN: 1584233613
Numero A zine, Doz Fuerzas Publishing Company, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Colouring Outside the Lines, Featured Artist, London, UK
Showpaper, Featured Artist, janvier, New York, NY
Third Drawer Down, Limited Edition Textile, Victoria, Australia
Greening Your Studio: An Artist’s Guide to Non-toxic and Ecologically Sound Art Materials, Co-Auteur Jeremy Taylor,

I, Me, and Mine: The New Avant Garde in Williamsburg, NY Press review for “Handplant” exhibition
Yen Magazine, Australia, Featured Artist with Jeremy Taylor, février

Iris Magazine, Featured Artist, printemps

BUST Magazine, automne
Venus Magazine, printemps
Local Tea, couverture, printemps

Coloring Book, Branch Gallery Publication, Edition of 100.
Mollusk Rap, Artist Book Drawing Collaboration, Salt Tooth Press, Edition of 40.
Schritte Ins Offene, Featured Illustrator, Suisse
The Drama Magazine, #3
Hot + Cold Zine Volume #9
Repellent Magazine Issue #3, “Heraldic Pomp”
La Collecte International, Press Papier, ISBN 2-921635-43-7

CD cover/booklet and all promotional materials for Rainer Maria “Long Knives Drawn” LP and “Ears Ring” EP, Polyvinyl Records “Ears Ring” music video illustrations for Rainer Maria featured on MTV2. and “Anyone Who Loves You Already Knows” DVD Polyvinyl Records

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